SILC’s Master Class series will provide you with the tools and knowledge they will need to create customized ESG reporting strategies for your organization.
Learning Objectives
- To learn how to create a customized ESG reporting template that reflects the mission, philosophy, and business objectives of the organization.
- To help provide ESG assessment tools for due diligence when reviewing potential investments.
- To give stakeholders a strong starting point and the ability to have greater clarity while navigating the complexity of sustainability reporting and assessment.
Program Content
Core Components and Overview of Fundamentals (Six Hours)
- C-1. Comprehensive Foundation
- C-2. Industry-Specific Customization
- C-3. The Public Perspective
Elective Components
(Six Hours)
- E-1. Single-Issue Standard Setting Organizations
- E-2. Legal Requirements and Constraints
- E-3. “Black Box” Ratings